You’re probably thinking the last thing the world needs is just another active wear brand right? We think the exact same thing!

Four Athletics is certainly not that. We aren’t here to clutter store shelves with more outsourced, overpriced, mediocre-quality athletic apparel. We are here to change the way that premium active wear is bought and sold through our innovative business model which allows us to deliver top quality athletic wear at a substantial savings that would not be possible in traditional retail. Here is our story.

Ben, Matt, Casey and Cody

We are two sets of brothers who met in college and have been best friends ever since. We are “people people”—the kind of guys who want to squeeze every last drop out of life and find any reason to celebrate together. We love to laugh, we are competitive, and we’re constantly trying to out-do each other or play jokes on one another—that is, when we aren’t outdoors, in the gym, or finding another way to sweat.

A few years ago, Ben and Matt opened a gym in Southern California while Casey and Cody moved to the Bay Area to be employee #4 and #5 at a crowdfunded fashion startup. Our experience with crowdfunding exposed the outdated and costly way that the retail industry operates. It sparked many frustrated conversations about how premium quality athletic wear was getting laughably expensive and the affordable options just weren't holding up to our rigorous lifestyles. Worst of all, it was almost impossible to find anything that was made in the USA. As a group, we have a unique combination of experience in fashion, athletic competition, and the back-end/wholesale side of the clothing industry—so we decided to do something about it ourselves.

Out of these conversations, countless late nights, phone calls, meetings, and tons of work, Four Athletics was born. By leveraging the power of crowdfunding, we are able to match up supply and demand 100% of the time, and let you choose what we make. We eliminate waste, cut out the middleman, and deliver a premium quality product at a fraction of the retail price.

Four Athletics isn’t just another athletic brand, it is a better way. Join us!